Saturday, July 4, 2009

Acute diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is a major waste water with increased frequency of more than 3x/day consistency with liquid feces,
are suddenly, and lasted less than a week (Mansjoer et al, 1999).
Hipocrates defines diarrhea as the feces that is not normal and liquid.
At the Child Health Sciences FKUI / RSCM, defined as diarrhea defecate is not normal or the form of a liquid feces with more frequency than usual.
Diarrhea Neonatus declared void if the large is more than four times, while for infants aged over one month and the child, if the frequency of three times more.

1. The infection
a. Enteral infection is an infection of the alimentary tract is a major cause of diarrhea in children. Enteral infection are:
- Infectious bacteria: Vibrio, E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Champylobacter, Yersinia, Aeromonas, and so forth.
- Virus infection: enterovirus (ECHO virus, Coxsackie, Poliomyelitis), Adenovirus, Rotavirus, Astrovirus, and others.
- Infestasi parasites: Cacin (Ascaris, Trichiuris, Oxyuris, Strongiloides), Protozoa (Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas hominis), fungi (Candida albicans).
b. Parenteral infection is an infection in the body other outside tool digestion, such as acute Otitis Media (OMA), Tonsilofaringitis, Bronkopneumonia, Ensefaltis and so forth.

2. Factors malabsorbsi
a. Malabsorbsi carbohydrate: disakarida (laktosa intolerance, maltosa and sukrosa), monosakarida (glucose intolerance, fruktosa and galaktosa). On babies and children the most important and tersering is intolernsi laktosa.
b. Malabsorbsi fat
c. Malabsorbsi protein

3. The food: stale food, toxic, allergic to food.

4. Psychological factors: fear and worry.

Acute diarrhea due to infection is transmitted primarily in oral fekal.
This is due to input food and beverages with added contaminated feces and the bad excretion, the food is not cooked, or cooked without presented.
Penularannya transmission is person to person through aerosolisation (Rotavirus, Norwalk), a contaminated (Clostridium difficile) or through sexual activity.
Factors determine the occurrence of acute diarrhea is the cause (agent) and the factors pejamu (host).
First factor is the ability of the body defense against microorganisms such as resistance decreases the body, stomach acid, also of normal intestinal flora.
Factors that affect patogenesis cause such damage to the power penetration mucosa cells,
the ability to produce toxin that affects sekresi fluid in the intestine, and the resources sticky germs that formed a colony that can menginduksi diarrhea (Mansjoer et al, 1999).

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